Profile Your City, Inc - Real Estate Websites.
Client Training For: Naples TriStar Group
Topics & Notes For Website Tools:
- Log To Your Website:
- Log In Here:
Put In your email address ( used for your account.
Put in your password (profilegroup) given to you by PYC. Then hit the login button. In most cases the PW is profile.. first and last digit, no cap.
Use as a group the password of (sunshine).
You Land On the PYC - Backend Dashboard
- Accessing Your Backend Dashboard Tools:
Manage your Users, (Your Clients) here by adding or editing current users.
You can add a user, search for current users or browse users by just clicking on the buttons below.
Here is a direct link.
Click The Red “Add User” Button.
Takes takes you to the place where you add the Users information, email preferences and permissions.
Enter the User information by putting in the following.
Full Name
Email Address
Password - Give them any password you like
Re enter the Password you chose
These buttons below do things automatically or manually for each User depending on your wants and needs.
Active - Makes Them Active
Confirmed - Means they don’t need to confirm by email.
Add to Newsletter - This is by default regardless if you do a newsletter or not.
Skip “Welcome” Email - By default set to no and sends a welcome email to the user. If you select “Yes” then the user does not get a welcome email and is automatically registered to receive emails from your website. Things like property updates and login information if requested.
Then choose a “Role” for the User. In most cases it would be “User”. Click the button to select yes.
You could assign permissions for other reasons for this user if they were for example going to be an assistant.
Then hit the green save button at the bottom of the page.
Success the User has been created.
Now is the time to enter any additional information on this user like timeframe, lead source and builder preferences.
Email Property Updates
Time to set up “Email Property Updates” or the Blue “Save Search For The User.
To start setting up email property updates you can select the Blue Button that says “Save Search For User Name” below.
Or scroll down on the page a bit and select the blue button that says.
“Save New Search Wizard For User Name” This takes you to the “Advanced Search” page so you can set up the saved search fro your User.
The Advanced Search Page for setting up email property updates for your User.
On the Advanced Search Page you can select every parameter you want for your user’s email property updates. You can add the price, bed, bath, property type, city, development or subdivisions with lifestyle features like waterfront, golf view and more.
Then hit the “Search Button” which will give you property results based on what you entered on the advanced search page.
This then gives you the results of your search for your review and then to save for your user.
If you are missing something or want to change the search results then click on the “Change Search Criteria” button and go back and redo your search.
You can or may want to reset the “Advanced Search” page so your old selections get cleared out.
If you like what you see for your user then name the search and hit save.
This saves the search for the “User” and signs them up for email property updates anytime something new comes on the market or a price changes.
Now the User has been put into the system and they are set up for email property updates. The will be emailed welcoming them to the website and giving them a link to access the website with their password. The User can then save their own properties and searches themselves.
You can log into the back end and click on the users then select that user, scroll to the bottom of the page and you can s
- Chat Tool
- CRM Calendar
- Add A Lead
- Add Saved Searches & Properties
- Post Listings To Facebook
- Support Tickets
- Other…
9. Add an agent site, with domain name.
Include your email address, website name, Realtor ID # NABOR LOGIN AND UPSTAR.
Profile Your City, Inc Notes For Website Tools:
- Log In
- Chat Tool
- CRM Calendar
- Add A Lead
- Add Saved Searches & Properties
- Post Listings To Facebook
- Support Tickets
- Other…
9. Add an agent site, with domain name.
- ?
You can call me NOW at 941-266-3905 if you still have questions.